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DAY 46: October 16th, 2008.


If you haven't heard of this film, you may have heard of the Americanized counterpart, Quarantine. REC is the Spanish 'inspiration' for Quarantine. Or however you want to look at it. Both films play out essentially the same with tweaks here and there.

What makes REC a better movie then Quarantine? Aside from the fact that it came out first and is scarier. It's the cast that makes this film work. The film is shot on a hand held camera, much like Blaire Witch Project and Cloverfield. Now what made those two films work is the same thing that made this film work, it's also the same thing that made Quarantine NOT work. The cast is basically unknown.

If you want a more realistic tone in a film that basically requires the audience to believe that it's real, you can't have Tom Cruise running around in the film, or in Quarantine's case, Jay Hernandez.

REC is a well done horror film, the atmosphere is claustrophobic and it works. The use of the crappy camera indeed adds to the experience. I guess what you really want to know is if you will get 'motion sickness' from the shaky camera. Well, I never experienced this, nor did I experience it in Cloverfield or Blair Witch Project, but I suppose it will annoy some people. Although, it's not AS bad as Cloverfield. Since the character in that film was a run of the mill citizen, and in here it's a professional camera person.

It has some good scares and some scary moments. I enjoyed this more then Quarantine. Both films play out almost exactly the same, so if you've seen one you've seen the other. The ending is different though, and I prefer this one rather then the new one. If you really want to see both, go ahead, but if you had to pick one, I would suggest this one.

It has subtitles though....and I know that may put off some people, especially in a horror film in which you lose some of the tension, because you have to read what's going on and might miss some of the scary bits.